Gadgets and Trends
Trendy is not only a clothes thing


Hello long time no post


many troubles many things to do exams to take

BUT a Great thing appeared on the market and i couldn’t resist to talk about it of course it’s the IPad Read the rest of this entry »


Sunt singurul membru INVOLVE care nu a fost la o scoala de vara (a true one I mean) vreau sa aduc o gura de aer si speranta celor care nu au putut sa faca acest pas maret. Read the rest of this entry »


Am intrat in era informationala nu e o noutate pentru nimeni asta. In aceasta era informatia inseamna bani iar  informatia oferita la timp inseamna si mai multi bani deci revenim la vechea zicala din epoca industriala “TIME IS MONEY!!!”, dar cu o mica schimbare timpul acum se refera la perioada cat mai scurta de a gasi, oferi si transmite un mesaj.

Read the rest of this entry »


Because I got “INVOLVE”d meaning me and a group a friends got in the OC (not the show but Olimpiadele Comunicarii) and because we are implicated in promoting sports i decided to write someting about this here. This is not the only thing i did but that will be posted on the groups blog: later on

So what to write about gadgets and sports?

well easy enough give i a google search and that will be all you need right?

wrong yes i did search for the latest in the biz but nothing really important that i didn’t already set my mind on was there so…

here is my input Read the rest of this entry »


Well this is a recent discovery well maybe not so recent for me but for the rest of the world.

what do i want to promote here (Still in Student Gadgets)

this is especially for those who already have a PC and don’t want to buy a laptop

my Recommendation A smart-phone with Windows mobile or Symbian OS and a virtual keyboard Read the rest of this entry »


As Promised I delivered the trendiest choice

And for it i chose Apple Why? well not because i’m a fan (my software is windows based soo no implications) but because it’s classy and it’s trendy

My choices Iphone 3G 16GB White and MacBook Air Read the rest of this entry »


To be honest becoming a student changed the way of my thinking so i thought about all freshman out there who aren’t aware of what they need.

i will start be naming a few items every student needs from a minimal thing to the complete set

Minimal: mobile and a PC/laptop

to be more specific and give some advice if u only want a phone and a pda or something i recommend smart-phones because u can store data, document data more specificly, that can be instantly accessed and read anywhere and at anytime

if u can chose between a pc and a laptop chose the laptop. Why ?

because u can take it to class and type your course directly and for the ones that say laptop aren’t as good as PC there is bad news for you guys they are just as good (except if u are gaming nuts and need a nice screen and professional designers that need special tools and even those can use a laptop efficiently and usually they find it sufficient)

complete: pda with gsm or fullscreen smart phones like omnia or Iphone, a pda, an ipod, a psp, a laptop and a pc with a multifunctional unit (scanner printer fax and xerox)

but because acceptable are none of the above for me at least (first because sincerly i think it-s not enough and second because it’s too costly) i will give u some shorcuts to this choices

and put some class into it and why not give u some advice too make your grades a bit higher (i don’t encourage cheating but i can show u the way and gadget to do it [cu exceptia acelor oribile si periculoase casti care in opinia mea ar trebui distruse])


pentru ca am inceput sa vorbesc despre mine in primul post am zis ca pt cei interesati sa postez ceva despre mine un small description daca vreti.

ce pot sa spun despre mine

  1. tech freak
  2. nerd enthusiast
  3. go to it guy
  4. friendly and weirdly sociable (I do have friends)
  5. into social and language studies (languages like Italian Japanese and German )
  6. math and informatics graduate (highschool)
  7. like anime
  8. have a nickname that everybody uses and few know my real name (real life and not screen name)

that’s about it

to extend about my nickname cause it’s quite interesting in my opinion why? because it’s double edged

the nick it’s Dexter, Dex for short for everybody in the whole wide world (that understands english and watched cartoons) dexter it’s a briliant pint sized kid with flaming red hair that does experiments in his lab that his sister will eventually break but that is a different story and it’s pretty undestandable why they call me Dexter pint sized pretty smart  (don’t want to brag) and knows his way with tech but that is just one edge as the other edge for the more knoledgeable people a show has been aired named Dexter about  guy pretty smart top in his field criminalistics (blood spater and analysis ) with a small secret

And this speeks nicely about me too so write too you later


Yep first post definitely scared

Deci primul post “ever”…..

Da! Mi-a luat ceva timp sa scriu ceva dar pana la urma de ce m-am apucat de asa ceva?

Pai….cateva motive (actually just 2)

1. e trendy draga (ma rog nu sunt primul care sa faca ceva trendydar… de ce nu)

2. imi place sa dau sfaturi si in special in acest domeniu

Ce domeniu? k pana acuma ai vorbit numai de tine?

well domeniu este technology si fashion adica ce e nou si trendy in stiinta si cum poti sa-l porti sau altfel spus “Gadgets and Trends”

acum sincer nu am verificat daca mai exista vreun blog pe acest domeniu desi sunt mai mult decat sigur ca exista dar cel putin nu cred ca e in romano-engleza (cu varii accente japonezo-italienesti)

ca sa nu lungesc vorba prea mult o sa accept challenge-uri pe meebo (chestia aia de pe home page pe care scrie Just a GADGET e in dreapta) adica daca vreti sa va dau un sfat pe bune gen ce sa imi iau sau ceva de genu sau pur si simplu vreti sa ma testati si sa ma puneti in incurcatura GO FOR IT daca mi se pare important o sa pun pe blog daca e personal lasati un mail

acum am in vedere vreo 2-3 posturi in general si o sa vedem ce iese daca imi dati chalenge-uri multe mai apar daca nu o sa scriu despre noi aparitii

si ca sa intelegeti cu se citesc blogurile simplu e pe baza de intrebare si raspuns de aceea multe titluri vor fi cu semnul intrebarii